Reflections on Methods, Therapeutic Alliance, and Possibilities for Psychotherapy Integration in the RFP-C Cases of "Jack" and "Oliver"


  • Tracy Prout
  • Carly Brooks
  • Tatianna Kufferath-Lin
  • Leon Hoffman
  • Mariagrazia Di Giuseppe
  • Jordon Bate
  • Katie Aafjes-Van Doorn
  • Timothy Rice



Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C); children; externalizing behaviors; oppositional defiant disorder; case study; clinical case study


The commentaries by Cirasola (2025) and Kigin and Hembree-Kigin (2025) on the comparison case study of a successful and unsuccessful treatment of Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C; Brooks et al., 2025) explore ways to extend the depth and breadth of child psychotherapy research; highlight the importance of therapeutic alliance research; and offer alternative perspectives on the treatment of externalizing behaviors. Cirasola (2025) notes concepts regarding the importance of case selection in comparative case studies, the crucial role of interviewers when obtaining interview data, and offers suggestions about ways to enhance analysis of qualitative data. Kigin and Hembree-Kigin (2025) approach the case studies from a behavioral perspective, using Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) as a framework for reconceptualizing the clinical material and emphasizing the importance of parents as agents of change in child psychotherapy outcomes. In our response we aim to, in essence, converse with these colleagues who have generously taken the time to read the original comparative case study and have shared their expertise with us.



How to Cite

Prout, T. ., Brooks, C. ., Kufferath-Lin, T. ., Hoffman, L., Di Giuseppe , M. . ., Bate, J., Aafjes-Van Doorn, K. . ., & Rice, T. . . (2025). Reflections on Methods, Therapeutic Alliance, and Possibilities for Psychotherapy Integration in the RFP-C Cases of "Jack" and "Oliver" . Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 21(1), 108–129.