Maximizing Exposure's Benefit: Making it Possible, Bearable and Fruitful


  • Karen Skean



Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP); Exposure Therapy; Memory Consolidation; Common Factors; neuroplasticity; Assimilative Integration; case studies; clinical case studies


Exposure is hypothesized to be a key active ingredient in several approaches to psychotherapy. Dr. Irada Yunusova (2023) explores this as a common element in both Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and behavioral exposure therapy. The current commentary elaborates on other important factors that contribute to maximizing the effectiveness of interventions in both these models. These include titrating the level of challenge, memory consolidation, common factors, and neuroplasticity. Dr. Yunusova’s detailed case review is an example of assimilative integration, where one can see her incorporation of a model new to her (AEDP) into her home base of Behavior Therapy, as well as the factors noted above that enhance its effectiveness.



How to Cite

Skean, K. (2023). Maximizing Exposure’s Benefit: Making it Possible, Bearable and Fruitful. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 19(2).