Call for new submissions


Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy (PCSP) seeks two types of manuscripts. The first type includes case study reports involving one or more cases; these manuscripts should utilize the outline and headings listed below.  The second type consists of case method articles on the design, use, and effectiveness of case study methodologies.

1. Case Context and Method
2. The Client
3. Guiding Conception with Research and Clinical Experience Support
4. Assessment of the Client's Problems, Goals, Strengths, and History
5. Formulation and Treatment Plan
6. Course of Therapy
7. Therapy Monitoring and Use of Feedback Information
8. Concluding Evaluation of the Therapy's Process and Outcome
9. References
10. Tables (optional)
11. Figures (optional)

Authors may write letters of interest to the Editor, and they may submit initial draft manuscripts to the Editor for discussion.  PCSP will actively collaborate with authors to develop their draft case reports into publishable case studies articles.
Editor: Dan Fishman